7.8 mi


1352 ft




Marshall Canyon Trail is a 7.8 mile trail that starts in Frank G. Bonelli Regional Park, travels through the City of La Verne, and provides access to the network of trails above the cities of La Verne and Claremont. The southern portion is mostly flat and urban, while the northern portion is within a natural foothill environment.

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  • Hiking
  • Mountain Biking
  • Horseback Riding
  • Dogs on Leash
County of Los Angeles


59° / 44°




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JJ a year ago

Are class 1 e mountain bikes allowed on the Marshall Canyon trail?


Thank you for contacting us.

E-bikes are permitted on the County's paved bike paths and bikeways with the exception of the beach bike path which is restricted by ordinance.  

The Department of Parks and Recreation operate and maintain the County’s multi-use trails which are typically unpaved hiking, mountain biking and equestrian trails. E-bikes are not permitted on the County's multi-use trails based on the current County Code which is acknowledged as a local decision for recreational trails (different from Class I Bikeways) under AB1096.

J J a year ago

What is the current policy for riding a class 1 ebike? These pedal assist bikes are limited to 20 mph and are no faster than what a high level rider can do on a non-e bike.


The Department of Parks and Recreation operate and maintain the County’s multi-use trails which are typically unpaved hiking, mountain biking and equestrian trails. E-bikes are not permitted on the County's multi-use trails based on the current County Code which is acknowledged as a local decision for recreational trails (different from Class I Bikeways) under AB1096.

E-bikes are permitted on the County's paved bike paths and bikeways with the exception of the beach bike path which is restricted by ordinance.  


AJ a year ago

Is Night riding still allowed on Marshall Canyon Trails; Thanks


LA County Trails are generally open to the public from sunrise to sunset.  Trailheads and restrooms that are opened and closed daily are subject to the following hours:

March 1st to October 31st:

  • Trailheads:   Monday - Sunday 8:00 am to 7:30 pm
  • Restrooms:  Monday - Sunday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

November 1st to February 28th:

  • Trailheads:   Monday - Sunday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Restrooms:  Monday - Sunday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Franco a year ago

Planning a bike ride with Family and Friends. After all this rain are trails clear / safe for ridding?


The Marshall Canyon multiuse trail is open, however there may be some trail rutting from the rains.  Please use caution and avoid the channel alignment if water is present.

Chris 2 years ago

I have been riding Marshall canyon trail for years and just like many others have converted to an E-bike. This is one of the only local trails I have seen discriminate against the use of these bikes and what I am failing to understand is why? The bike is not throttle assisted and its not going to run away from you, it has a regulated speed of 20mph which any bike going down the trails will exceed that speed regardless of electronic assist or not. The E-bike simply allows you to climb to your destination without wiping your legs out. As a rider that has suffered a severe leg injury, this bike is the only thing that allows me to continue long rides. An explanation for this is needed for the Mountain Bike community.

Melissa 3 years ago

Can you do night hikes along this trail? What hours is the trail open?


Our trail hours from March 1st to October 31st are Monday-Sunday 8 am to 7:30 pm and November 1st to February 28th are Monday-Sunday 8 am to 5:00 pm

JOHN 3 years ago

Barbara how is riding a class 1 e bike resulting in unsafe conditions? A class 1 ebike has a power limit of 20 miles per hours. I see many non ebikes which are much lighter, going way faster than those on e bikes. Those riders are the ones cutting through trails and not applying proper etiquette when riding.. Those are the ones to target not make a blanket rule fir everyone.. Many people who purchase ebikes are of the older mt bike crowd who have been riding for years. But due to age related problems as well as some medical issues, some of us need a little extra assistance in order to stay at on the trail. I have been riding out there since 1990 but father time is catching up.. You will be there one day.. Also class 1 ebikes do not take-up any more room on the trail than a regular mt bike and they have the same visibility as a regular ebike.

Barbara 3 years ago

Will sign postage regarding the restriction of Class 1 e-bike use on the trail be displayed soon at the Via de Mansion and Orangewood St entrance? There is currently high usage of these bikes on this trail resulting in unsafe conditions for all trail users due to high speeds, low visibility, and portions of narrow trail path. Enforcement and awareness is needed. Thank you!


Thank you for contacting us.  We installed a sign on the Organgewood Street entrance.

John 3 years ago

I have a disability that is protected under the Federal ADA rules. I have a State Placard and State Disability Recreation Pass. I have been riding Marshall Cyn for years but as I age my disability makes it harder to ride the trails. I purchased a pedal assist ebike in order to help me stay out there and keep my health up as long as possible. In reading the ADA rules, OPDMD’s, I am allowed to use this form of mobility device on any trail that is open to the public. Therefore it appears as though I can legally keep riding in Marshall Cyn. Please advise on this issue. Thanks


Thank you for contacting us.

We typically do not allow e-bikes on multi-use trails, however, on March 15, 2011, the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation established an interim policy that restates the County’s policy of non-discrimination for admission and access to publicly offered services, programs or activities based on disability.  The County recommends that trail users contact the local park supervisor to learn of trail conditions and issues, especially when accessing unfamiliar facilities; trails are subject to natural forces, and conditions may change with little notice. The County does not have set speed limits on its trails. Still, it follows the California Vehicle Code of operating a vehicle at speed commensurate with weather, visibility, traffic, surface, and width of a path to not endanger anyone’s safety or property.

The interim policy establishes that OPDMDs and electronic personal assistance mobility devices (EPAMD) may be used by those with mobility disabilities in areas open to pedestrian use for access to park facilities and/or trails. The interim policy will be finalized after review and assessment of its efficacy is determined. The interim policy indicates that the County intends to survey all public access ways and post areas where OPDMDs and EPAMDs may not be used.



Rick Johnson 3 years ago

Is there any plan or reconsideration to allow Class 1 E-Bikes on the LA County Multi-use trails. E-Bike popularity is growing very fast. The current policy appears dated and with a current review could allow Class 1 E-Bikes on the county's multi- use trails. Thank you , Rick. P.S. In a group of EBike and Regular Bike riders you would not be able to tell the difference between the bikes except by their looks. Just saying......