4.5 mi


237 ft




Santa Anita Wash is a 6.32 mile trail that parallels a flood control channel in the cities of Arcadia, El Monte, Monrovia, and unincorporated Los Angeles County. While the trail has a decidedly urban setting, there are still opportunities for wildlife sightings near the Peck Road Water Conservation Park. Additionally, this wide and relatively flat trail makes for an outing that is not difficult and gives locals the option of commuting on a path away from a public street.

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  • Hiking
  • Mountain Biking
  • Horseback Riding
  • Dogs on Leash
County of Los Angeles


73° / 48°




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Willy 3 years ago

Just north of Eisenhower Park is inundated with bums. They build their fabric palaces right on the path. Police do nothing. It's clear they've established their homestead here for the long term. It's right next to the park and homes and the street. So it's no secret.


Thank you for contacting us.  We created a work order ticket for our maintenance staff to assess the area.  If you have further questions please contact us at:  trails@parks.lacounty.gov

Vick 4 years ago

I grew up near this trail and have used it my entire life. Arroyo High School cross country has used this trail for decades . The homeless are found along the golf course and below live oak ave. Once you cross live oak it’s fine. There are small gardens built by neighbors and horses and some small farm animals along the path . It’s used quite a bit by locals but I would stay away after dark. Please be careful crossing live oak as a runner was hit by a car earlier this year.

Edward Huang 4 years ago

This Saturday June 6 is the National Trails day 2020. We are fortunately living by the Santa Anita Wash and have frequented the Trail. Arcadia EcoHome is just one block of the Wash, and is in the Wash's watershed. To contribute to the water quality in the Wash and enhance the urban trail's walkability, we on weekly basis have engaged urban stormwater management practices for more than 10 years. We clean up debris and falling leaves from street trees on the public right of way including driving & parking lanes, curb & gutter, parkway and sidewalk in front of the EcoHome. Happy National Trails Day 2020!

Aaron 5 years ago

I was excited to explore this trail but discovered that the part of it from Sycamore canyon north to Wilderness Park is 'closed for maintenance'. I decided to explore south from Sierra Madre blvd and should have read Steve's review before going! I found 2 people getting frisky under the first bridge, a shirtless man drinking beer next to his suit case and homeless encampments with piles of trash under every bridge for the next 6 blocks. I climbed out at Santa Clara street after having to literally hop through piles of garbage to get through the tunnel. Needless to say I'm excited for them to open up the best part of the trail and ultimately disappointed that it's been claimed by campers. The amount of trash that has been hauled down there looks like it's gone un checked for years. If it's not going to be maintained or managed LA should shut it down and put efforts elsewhere. At the very least take it off this site so people don't waste their time going down there.

Bryon 5 years ago

Very nice trail used regularly by residents and a few local high school Cross Country teams. The only problem is that the gate north of Sycamore Ave is almost always locked, which doesn't allow access to the most beautiful part of the trail. Please open the gate, so we can enjoy the scenic, natural trail between Sycamore Ave. and Wilderness Park!

Steve 8 years ago

L.A. County should be ashamed of this "trail". If you like riding through homeless settlements, looking at trash along the trail, and having to cross streets because the underpasses are full of garbage, glass, and who knows what creepsters, then this is the trail for you! Stick to the Rio Hondo Trail. It's actually maintained. I'm not sure what decade this trail was last maintained.


Thank you for providing feedback on the trail condition. This trail has been scheduled for immediate maintenance and clean-up. Homeless encampment displacement/removal has also recently been initiated by local Police. Please let us know if you find improvement during your next excursion on this urban trail.