Trail Closure Information
presented by the County of Los AngelesWed, Sep 09 12:00 AM - Fri, Apr 30 11:59 PM
It is imperative that all trail users make it their personal responsibility to follow all trail user requirements to help protect the health of themselves and others, AND to help keep trails open!!! If trails become crowded and the public does not abide by the critical trail safety practices required, there is a risk that trails will be closed again.
Los Angeles County Trails
As of July 6, 2020, County multi-use trails, trail heads, and park facilities that serve as trail staging areas are open but subject to trail specific closures, parking limitations/closures, and/or reduced hours of operations. Please review the information on the trail you would like to visit for details specific to that trail.
County Multi-Use Trail Hours of Operation are from Sunrise to Sunset, however, trail parking/trailheads that are located within County Natural Areas are open Wednesday to Sunday from 11:00am until 7pm. Visit https://parks.lacounty.gov/ for more information on County Parks and Natural Areas.
Follow all posted regulations at trails and trailhead facilities. Physical distancing of 6 feet is required and no group gatherings are allowed on trails or in parking areas. Trail users over the age of 2 are required to wear face coverings at trailheads, parking areas, and destination points along trails.
The following trails have been temporarily closed due to the Bobcat Fire: Devil's Chair Trail, South Fork Trail, One Mile Loop Trail, and Van Tassel Trail. ***
Visit the LA County Public Health website for information and guidance, available in multiple languages, on COVID-19: http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/.
US Forest Service
Arcadia, Calif. – The Angeles National Forest will be temporarily closing weekend access to Millard Canyon Campground, starting Saturday, August 22, due to heightened public safety concerns. The Chaney Trail gate will also be temporarily locked during weekends. The Fire Danger Level in the Angeles National Forest is currently elevated to, “Extreme”. Weekend closures will remain in effect until the current high fire danger decreases or the mitigation measure is no longer needed.
Recreation areas across the Angeles National Forest have been experiencing exceptionally high numbers of visitors. In the Millard Canyon Campground visitor vehicles continue to exceed available parking. Vehicle congestion and illegal parking on the narrow mountain roads has resulted in constricted roadways that block access by emergency crews and limits public egress in an emergency.
The hot, dry conditions make it is imperative that fire crews and emergency vehicles have adequate access for public safety. The two major fires currently burning on the Angeles National Forest, the Lake Fire and Ranch 2 Fire, underscore the considerable fire danger within the dry, combustible canyons.
The temporary closure of Millard Canyon Campground is currently limited to weekends only, Saturdays and Sundays, when high visitor volume produces the greatest fire risk. Weekday access will remain open, Monday through Friday.
The Angeles National Forest is working with state and local partners to find solutions to the recent overcrowding and increasingly heavy traffic volume on mountain roadways. Until then, it is necessary to temporarily close weekend access for public safety.
Millard Canyon is within the Angeles National Forest, just north of Pasadena, and closely associated with the communities of La Canada Flintridge, Pasadena and Altadena.
Finally, please remember that the Angeles National Forest has enacted strict fire restrictions. We are in an above-normal fire season and using a fire on national forests in California is generally prohibited.
For more information, please visit our website: www.fs.usda.gov/angeles.
For questions, please contact Public Affairs officer, John Clearwater, at (626) 425-2150, or john.clearwater@usda.gov.
California State Park Trails
State Parks-Angeles District will be reopening daily access on May 9, 2020 to all trails in Ventura and Los Angeles County (note further details and exceptions listed below*). Trailhead parking lots will remain closed at Corral Canyon, Tapia, and Dead Horse. Additionally, all parking in the Pacific Coast Highway corridor will remain closed in this Phase of trail reopening.
The following parking lots will be open and accessible seven days per week from dawn to dusk at reduced capacity: Trippet Ranch, Malibu Creek-Lower Lot, Will Rogers.
Malibu Creek State Park: Parking & restrooms at the lower parking lot only. Tapia parking lot is closed. The Regan Ranch & Piuma restrooms closed, parking lots open. Rock Pool & Century Lake are closed.
Point Mugu State Park: restrooms closed
Topanga State Park: Reduced capacity parking, Dead Horse parking is closed. Restrooms only at Trippet Ranch
Will Rogers State Historic Park: Reduced capacity parking . All lawns closed including the polo field & golf course
Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook: This facility is to remain closed. Only the Park to Playa Trail will remain open
Santa Susana State Historic Park: Restrooms at Andorra & Lilac will remain closed.
Los Angeles State Historic Park: Reopens May 13 for active recreation only. Parking lot to remain closed and no day-use picnicking
Mountains & Recreation Conservation Authority (MRCA) Trails
All MRCA Parks and Trails will be opened Saturday, May 9, 2020 with limited facilities following the guidelines for park users outlined by Los Angeles County. With the exception of restrooms, no buildings will be open. Parking lots will be open.
For the time being, Los Angeles River Center and Gardens, Lewis MacAdams Riverfront Park (formerly Marsh Park), and Jerome C. Daniel Overlook above the Hollywood Bowl will be closed and the New Millennium Trail in Calabasas will remain closed until further notice for restoration.
Mountains Restoration Trust
As of August 13, 2020, all MRT trails are open. Please note that all trails operated by MRT's parent organization TreePeople are closed at Coldwater Canyon Park. https://www.treepeople.org/
It is imperative that all trail users make it their personal responsibility to follow all trail user requirements to help protect the health of themselves and others, AND to help keep trails open!!! If the public does not abide by the critical trail safety practices required there is a risk that trails will be closed again.
National Park Service (NPS) Trails
As of August 13,2020, all NPS trails and trailheads within the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area are open, except for trails and trailheads at Arroyo Sequit, Peter Strauss Ranch, and Rocky Oaks. The three NPS sites remain closed to the public because of the Woolsey Fire damage. Visitors Centers at King Gillette Ranch and the Satwiwa Culture Center at Rancho Sierra Vista are closed in accordance with local and state guidance for gatherings in buildings. Restrooms are all open, including the two at the visitor centers. NPS asks visitors to follow social distancing guidelines: wear a mask when approaching and passing visitors, step to the side of the trail or road and walk single-file when passing. Visit #MaskOn for guidance.
OTHER TRAIL INFO (for trails not listed on this site that are operated by other cities and agencies):
City of Agoura Hills: Please visit https://www.ci.agoura-hills.ca.us/i-want-to
Arroyos Foothills Conservancy Trails: Please visit https://arroyosfoothills.org/ or call (626) 808-7964
City of Alhambra: Please visit https://www.cityofalhambra.org/resources/coronavirus
City of Arcadia: Please visit https://www.arcadiaca.gov/enrich/recreation___community_services/parks___facilities/index.php
City of Avalon: Please visit http://www.cityofavalon.com/coronavirus
City of Azusa: Please visit https://www.ci.azusa.ca.us/383/River-and-Canyon or call (626) 812-5259
City of Bellflower: Please visit https://www.bellflower.org/resources/covid_19_information.asp
City of Burbank: Please visit https://www.burbankca.gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/recreation/stough-canyon-nature-center/
Catalina Island Conservancy: Please visit https://www.catalinaconservancy.org/ or call (310) 510-2595
City of Calabasas: Please visit http://www.cityofcalabasas.com/covid-19.html
City of Claremont: Please visit https://www.ci.claremont.ca.us/government/departments-divisions/human-services/parks/claremont-hills-wilderness-park-chwp or call (909) 399-5490
City of Diamond Bar: Please visit https://stories.opengov.com/diamondbarca/published/E64hmIqE4
City of Duarte: Please visit https://www.accessduarte.com/dept/manager_office/covid_19_(coronavirus)/city_operations.htm or call (626) 357-7931
City of Gardena: Please visit https://www.cityofgardena.org/coronavirus-covid-19/
City of Glendale: Please visit https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/city-departments/community-services-parks/trails-and-open-space
City of Glendora: Please visit https://www.cityofglendora.org/departments-services/parks-recreation-senior-services/trails
City of Hermosa Beach: Please visit https://www.hermosabeach.gov/our-government/coronavirus-covid-19-updates-from-the-city-of-hermosa-beach
City of La Habra Heights: Please visit https://www.lhhcity.org/296/COVID-19
City of Lakewood: Please visit https://www.lakewoodcity.org/about/pio/covid19/default.asp
City of Los Angeles: Please visit https://www.laparks.org/ or call (323) 644-6661
City of Malibu: Please visit https://www.malibucity.org/coronavirus
City of Monrovia: Please call (626) 256-8155 or visit https://www.cityofmonrovia.org/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/28/787
City of Paramount: Please visit http://www.paramountcity.com/community/information-and-updates-on-the-novel-new-coronavirus-covid-19
City of Pasadena: Please visit https://www.cityofpasadena.net/parks-and-rec/recreation-area/paths-trails/
City of Pomona: Please visit https://www.ci.pomona.ca.us/index.php/police-department-home/administrative-services-division/21-government/2013-coronavirus-updates
Puente Hills Preservation Habitat Authority: Please visit https://www.habitatauthority.org/2020/05/trail-status-open-or-closed/
Ranchos Palos Verdes Trails & Nature Preserve: Please visit http://www.rpvca.gov/1007/Trail-Conditions-Alerts or call (310) 491-5775
City of Rolling Hills: Please visit https://www.ci.rolling-hills-estates.ca.us/departments/public-safety/covid-19-novel-coronavirus-2019
City of San Dimas: Please visit https://sandimasca.gov/trails/ or call 909-394-6200
City of Santa Clarita: Please visit http://hikesantaclarita.com/
City of Santa Monica: Please visit https://www.santamonica.gov/coronavirus
City of Sierra Madre: Please visit http://cityofsierramadre.com/cityhall/city_manager_s_office/transparency/covid-19_resources
City of Torrance: Please visit https://www.cityoftorranceca.com/
City of Walnut: Please visit https://www.cityofwalnut.org/for-visitors/trails or call (909) 595-7543
City of West Covina: Please visit https://www.westcovina.org/about-the-city/coronavirus-covid-19
City of Whittier: Please visit https://www.cityofwhittier.org/Home/Components/News/News/1304/1149