Park to Playa Regional Trail
Published on October 29, 2014
Supervisorial District 2
The goal of the Park to Playa Regional Trail project is to create a continuous 13-mile regional trail that will connect urban residents with the natural coast. Once completed, the final trail will connect a network of trail systems, parks, and open spaces seamlessly from the Baldwin Hills Parklands down to the Pacific Ocean. There are six (6) segments to the overall Park to Playa Regional Trail: Stocker Corridor, Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area (KHSRA), Baldwin Hills Regional Conservation Authority (BHRCA)-owned property (“Segment C”), Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook, Culver City Park, and Ballona Creek Bicycle Path.
The overall Park to Playa Trail will improve existing deteriorated paths within several parklands and will close gaps between existing trails by creating new and safe connections where they are needed. Additional improvements include new trailheads and gateway entrances with native plant landscaping, decorative gates, parking lots, Stormwater Best management Practices (BMPs), fencing, seating, bike racks, artwork, and interpretive, wayfinding, and connection signage along portions of the entire Park to Playa connection route. The development of this regional trail will increase much needed open space in Los Angeles, serve as a connection gateway for existing and future trail and park users, enhance user’s experience, offer multiple environmental benefits and recreational opportunities to the public, improve the aesthetic value of numerous communities, and provide new habitat for local species.
The project is a collaboration and partnership between the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA), Office of County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Parks and Recreation, Baldwin Hills Conservancy, BHRCA, City of Culver City, LA County Flood Control District, LA County Department of Public Works - Watershed Management Division, City of LA Department of Recreation and Parks, and LA City Department of Transportation. All these partners are committed to create this non-motorized Trail to connect people from urban Los Angeles to the Pacific Ocean.
To download the full final Park to Playa Trail Feasibility and Implementation Plan (FS/IP), visit:
To view/download the final adopted Park to Playa Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and also the Final Study/FS/IP, visit:
Questions about the Park to Playa Regional Trail project may be directed to Ana Straabe, Deputy Chief of Urban Projects and Watershed Planning, (323) 221-9944 ext. 107 or