The Park to Playa Trail Bridge is Open
The Park to Playa Trail is complete just in time to offer Angelenos a long-awaited and safe opportunity to explore the outdoors. The 13-mile trail connects the Baldwin Hills Parklands to the Pacific Ocean via the Stocker Corridor, Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area, Stoneview Nature Center, the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook, and Ballona Creek Bike Path. It represents the first regional trail in South Los Angeles and the entire Second Supervisorial District of the County of Los Angeles.
“Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas understands that trails connect people not only to the outdoors but to each other–and this bridge stands as a testament to his unwavering commitment to community engagement and empowerment,” said the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation Director, Norma E. García-González. “The Park to Playa Bridge and Trail will become a destination for hikers and nature lovers; a recreational route for the community that will join together Hahn Park and Stoneview Nature Center, onto the Ballona Creek and finally to the Pacific Ocean, forming a 13-mile trail. It even includes a wildlife corridor, a landscaped path for small animals to cross La Cienega Blvd.”
Baldwin Hills Conservancy Executive Officer David McNeill added, “Not only will this connection provide a safe elevated crossing for pedestrians and bicycles, it creates an opportunity for wildlife to visit both ridgelines which increases the region’s biodiversity. While the ongoing expansion of Baldwin Hills Parklands has brought a lot of openings, the anticipation from the public for this bridge has been higher than I have seen in years. The Conservancy has been getting emails and calls for months leading up to this day. We’re just grateful the final piece of Park to Playa has come to fruition.”
Park to Playa Trail:
Park to Playa Opening:
Park to Playa Opening Video: